Mar 20, 2024
5 min read

Two Reasons Why You Should Prepare to Sell Houses Remotely

A mother and children sitting on the couch looking at real estate on a tablet.

In the last couple of years, our lives have become more digital. This has also impacted the way properties are bought and sold. It has undoubtedly opened up many possibilities, including the option to purchase a house or land remotely.

A huge change is coming.

According to the National Association of Realtors' virtual Real Estate Forecast Summit, in 2022, the median number of miles people moved was 50. In 2019-2021, however, it was only 10-15 miles! That is an enormous increase. 

Experienced buyers, who purchased a property in the past, were inclined to move even further (90 miles on average), and a quarter of all homebuyers included in the research moved 470 miles away or more. 

This data shows a tremendous change in buyer behavior and also indicates that there are extra steps Realtors need to take to stay relevant. 

An elderly couple sitting on a couch and looking at a tablet.

Technology can help you sell more

Since potential buyers are not able to travel 470 miles just for an open house, you need to offer digital solutions. 

First and foremost, ensure you’re easily findable online, and all the information a potential buyer might need to contact you is up to date. 

Next, consider introducing technology to your selling process (if you haven’t done so already) - virtual tours, digital floor plans, communications tools, and online testimonials. They will all prove useful when a potential buyer is far from the perfect house and is searching for the right Realtor. 

An elderly lady having an online call.

Real estate market fluctuations

Even though the current real estate market is challenging and there is limited inventory, 23% of homeowners plan to sell their homes within the next three years or are currently in the middle of doing so, according to Zillow’s research

That’s almost a quarter of all homeowners. This number is staggering, but it also shows that the future of selling real estate is promising. 

So don’t waste time and prepare because the change is already happening. Take action and make technology your ally in getting new clients and growing your real estate business.

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